200 Pelham Rd S.
Jacksonville, AL 36265


Membership FAQs

Library Cards

How do I get a library card?

Just bring a Photo ID and proof of current, local mailing address to the main desk.
Currently, you can apply for a library card without coming into the building!
Click the button below to get a copy of the registration form you can print, fill out and drop in the library's book drop; you will be contacted within 3-5 business days with your card number.
For quicker service, simply email the information listed on the form along with a snapshot of your picture ID to library@jacksonvillepubliclibrary.org.

Proof of address means any official document (Driver’s License, bill, contract, etc.) that has YOUR NAME and current address. If your photo ID also has your correct address on it, that will work for both requirements.

Registration Form

Who can get a library card?

Any resident of the community can get a library card, but depending on the circumstances of each patron, each card has its own category that can limit the scope of privileges for the patron. There is no upper or lower age limit on who can get a library card. A parent or guardian with a Photo ID and proof of current mailing address can get a library card for minors. We recommend that everyone get their own library card so they can fully enjoy the events and services offered by JPL.

Here is a list of all the patron types:

  • First Time User: New patrons of any age; subject to a 90-day probation period during which they have limited check out privileges.
  • Adult: Permanent residents of the area at least 19 years old.
  • Minor: Permanent residents through age 18: A parent/legal guardian must agree to the minor getting a card and be responsible for his/her selection of materials and any fines/fees accrued for late, lost or damaged items.
  • JSU Student: Active students at Jacksonville State University ages 19 and up; must provide proof of permanent home address as well as the local dorm or apartment address in Jacksonville.
  • Agency: Community organizations (nursing homes, etc.) who serve home-bound individuals and wish to check out more materials than an Adult user would be allowed. Must be approved by Library Director.
  • Temporary Residents: Persons temporarily in the area, such as military, but with a permanent address elsewhere.

What if I have lost my library card?

Your first library card is free; however, if you need a replacement card there will be a $3 per card charge. A card that is significantly damaged may be replaced by library staff at no cost (must be presented to library staff).

Circulation Rules

How many items can I check out?

First time borrowers are limited to having out only 5 books at a time for the first 90 days. After that:

  • Adults may check out twenty (20) items.
  • Temporary residents, Jacksonville State University students and minors (age 18 and under) may check out five (5) items.

What kind of items can I check out?

Our collection is quite varied with different items available for check out. Here is a list of some of the items that we have in our collection:


  • Standard Print Fiction
  • Large Print Fiction
  • Biographies
  • Graphic Novels
  • Non-Fiction
  • CD Audiobooks
  • DVD & Blu-Ray Movies
  • Mobile Hotspots

Juvenile & Young Adult:

  • Board Books
  • Juvenile Chapter Books
  • Juvenile Non-Fiction
  • Juvenile Audio-Books
  • Juvenile Biographies
  • Graphic Novels
  • Manga
  • Young Adult Fiction

Is there a restriction on the kinds of things I can check out?

Yes. All patrons who are past the probationary period are limited to:

  • four (4) audio books
  • three (3) books per subject
  • three (3) books per author
  • two (2) movies

Temporary residents and minors (age 18 and under) may not check out movies or special items at any time.

How can I check out a Hotspot?

Wi-Fi Hotspots are available to all adult card-holders only. Patrons with an account less than one year in age must provide a $100 cash deposit. When the device is returned, the deposit will be returned in full minus any overdues/damages to the patron through the mail in the form of a refund check on the next Friday. You can view the full hotspot policy and form using the button below.

Refunds for deposit require the written receipt within 90 days of return of the item in order for the refund to be processed. Refunds will not be issued after 6 months; it is the patron’s responsibility to request the refund when the item is returned.

Hotspot Policy and Form

How long can I check out something?

Books, audio books, and hotspots check out for fourteen (14) days; movies and special items check out for seven (7) days.
Each item renews for the same period as seen above provided that the item is not on hold. Books and audiobooks can be renewed up to three (3) times; movies and hotspots can be renewed up to one (1) time.

Can I renew my books online?

Yes. To renew books online, you will need to log into your account on the online catalog. Your password is initially set to the last 4 digits of the primary phone number you provided upon signing up for your library card. Once logged in, it will display the list of items you have checked out. On each item, select the "Renew" checkbox and then select "Renew Selected". This should display a "Renewed!" box next to each item selected, and you will have each item for its renewal period.

Online Catalog

Item Requests

The item I want is checked out. Can I place a hold?

You can ask at the library, call, or you can place the item on hold through the online catalog.
To place a hold online, log into your account at the online catalog and search for the item you wish to request. Once you have selected the item you wish to request, there should be a "Place hold" button to the right of the page. Clicking this button will have you confirm your hold and, once confirmed, your hold will be locked in.

Online Catalog

What about items JPL does not have?

You can fill out a purchase suggestion form on the online catalog. Simply log into your account, click on "Your Purchase Suggestions" in the left menu, and start a new purchase suggestion.
You can also request that we borrow an item through Inter-Library Loan for a $3 fee per item; this fee covers postage costs to return the item to the lending library. Failure to pick up the borrowed item does not release the borrower from the $3 fee.

ILL Request Form

How do I know when an item I have reserved or requested is available?

JPL staff will call you when an item you have requested is available. You will have 24 hours from that notification to either pick up the item or let us know when you will pick up an item.
You can also sign into your library account on the online catalog to set up text and email notifications.

If you do not let us know when you will pick up an item, it will be returned to the shelf or moved to the next person on the reserve list after 24 hours.


What if I don't return/renew my items on time?

You have one grace day where fines will not accrue; after that fines will accrue for all overdue days. Fines accrue at the rate of:

  • 25¢ per item per day for books and audio books.
  • $1 per item per day for movies and special items.
  • $10 per day for mobile hotspots.

For example, if a book is due on Tuesday and you return it on Wednesday, this is your day of grace. However, if you return it on Saturday, the book is 4 days overdue and you will owe $1.

What if I lose an item or it becomes damaged?

You will be charged up to the full replacement (retail) value for those items plus a $3 processing fee.

For hotspots, there will be costs for each part of the device. These costs are:

  • $1 for replacement manual.
  • $10 for replacement charger.
  • $100 for replacement hotspot device.


What services does the library offer?

We offer faxing, laminating, scanning, and notary services as well as computers to use. Pricing for each service varies.

Cost of Services:

  • Black & White Printing: 10¢ per page
  • Color Printing: 50¢ per page
  • Laminating: Price varies by size
  • Faxing: $1 per page
  • Scanning: FREE
  • Notarization: FREE

Are there any restrictions to using the Computers or Wi-Fi?

Library computers are only available for individuals 19 years of age or older. Minors (ages 18 and up) require parental permission to use Library computers. A valid photo ID or library card will be required to receive a pin to access the computers. Any patron who owes $25 or more in bills must pay their bill total down lower than $25 to be eligible.

There are no restrictions to patron use regarding the Wi-Fi. Our Wi-Fi is public access, listed as "JPLwifi" and has no password. The Wi-Fi is protected by the same filters as the computers; however, Library staff cannot monitor what patrons access on personal devices.

Computer Policy

What software is on the library computers?

The only software that is available on the library computers is Microsoft Office 2019 which includes Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Patrons are not allowed to install software on the computer without the direct approval and supervision of library staff.

How can I print a document I have on my device?

Printing can be done from either one of our patron-access computers or using any device using our mobile print services. If the document is in an email, it can be emailed to one of the two emails depending on which type of document you need printed.

Black and White: jplmobileprint-bw@ewprints.com
Color: jplmobileprint-color@ewprints.com

Mobile Printing

What is required for the notary services?

A current/valid government-issued photo ID is required for all notary services. Ensure that you have not signed the document before bringing it to the notary as all notarized documents must be signed in front of the notary with all signers present. Documents must be in English as Notary Publics are not allowed to make use of translators. If a witness is required, the signer must bring their own and may not solicid other library staff or patrons to provide witness for them.

Notary services end 45 minutes before the library closes each day.

JPL Notary Policy


I would like to make a donation to the library. How do I do that?

The library welcomes the donation of books, magazines and tapes as long as the items are in good condition. JPL cannot accept items that are falling apart, musty, moldy or in a physical condition that makes them unsuitable for the collection or book sale. Donated items not put into the collection will be sold at book sales.

What if I want to make a monetary donation to the library?

We may only accept donations in the form of cash or check. If donating in the form of check, the check should be made out to Jacksonville Public Library. If mailing your donation, mail them directly to us at 200 Pelham Rd. S, Jacksonville, AL 36265.